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Sau một thời gian kiên trì làm việc, nhóm dịch thuật Việt-Anh gồm có người Việt và những người Mỹ đã hoàn thành việc phiên tả tác phẩm "Kinh 42 Chương Giảng Giải" của Thầy sang tiếng Anh. Cuốn Sách Kinh này đã được nhà Tiến Sĩ Larry Ward viết lời giới thiệu sách và sách sẽ được trình làng trong tháng 12 năm nay.

Kính mời quý đồng hương Phật tử đón xem. Sau đây là nguyên bản lời giới thiệu của Dr. Larry Ward: "Since my early days, I have found myself attracted to a quality of awareness sometimes called religious. This awareness is a source of inspiration and insight that has helped me to live a deeper individual and collective life. My journey with Buddhism began in the late ‘70s while living in India. I was engaged in the work of human development in neighborhoods and villages. There I developed a fascination with the Buddhist Path.I have sat at the feet of many fine teachers. It was my encounter with the Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh almost thirty years ago that brought me to a Deer Park Monastery retreat. I first heard the voice of Thich Phước Tịnh in early 2000. I now travel the world as a practitioner, a Dharma teacher with a Ph.D. in religious studies and director of the Lotus Institute. I fine great delight in encouraging you to read this book.

When I first experienced the teachings and presence of Thich Phước Tịnh, I was struck by the quality of his quiet sincerity. I was inspired by his understanding of conjoined practice as a living dialogue between applied mindfulness and the value of textual studies. I could feel his love of the Buddhadharma and his monastic calling that sustains his clarity, joy and devotion. His attentiveness to words and emphasis on the practicality of the Buddhist Path are to be admired and emulated. He exhibits great care in his translations and commentaries to illuminate the path for monastics and lay persons alike. This book opens a new door for many practitioner’s beyond Southeast Asia. Few of us know of this text that introduced Buddhism to China in the second century C.E. as legend has it. The Forty-two Chapters Sutra is important because it reveals the deep roots of mindfulness practice as Buddhism was assimilated into Chinese culture. The emergence of this text in Vietnam began in the mid-twentieth century as Buddhism was being revitalized. We too are in a time of Buddhism’s continuous renewal. It is a true gift of love to receive these teachings and discover how they can be most helpful to myself and other mindfulness practitioners in the twenty-first century. The Venerable highlights the role of metaphors and stories in the skillful transmission of Buddhist teachings and practices across cultures. Each chapter is a dance with deep teachings, wonderful stories and the names of many who practiced before us. The Forty-two Chapters sounds the ancient drum of dharma wisdom, the embodied practice of mindfulness in daily life. While it was first taught, studied and practiced in a monastic context, it is full of gems shining light on the benefits for our moment in time whether we identify as Buddhist or not. It is a genuine invitation to wake up and cultivate the inner stability and freedom needed now more than ever in our great transition towards a new understanding of our deep humanity. I encourage you to read this book, experiment with the practices and see what you may discover.


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